Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mace 80115 MACE Big Jammer Door Brace

Mace 80115 MACE Big Jammer Door Brace
Price : $13.82
List Price : $19.95
You Save : $6.13 (31%)

Product Description

The Big Jammer Adjustable Door Brace features strong 20 gauge steel and is ideal for home, dorm, apartment or office use. This brace works on both hinged and sliding doors. It adjusts to fit most standard doors, and installs easily under your door knob to provide added security for your home or business. Its collapsible design makes it easy to store when not in use. This brace also includes a Security Bracing Pin for added strength.
Mace 80115 MACE Big Jammer Door Brace

Buyer Evaluations

It arrived nowadays and is going back to Amazon for a refund tomorrow. It looks secure when you put it in spot, and feels secure when you test it by pulling inward on the door deal with, but test it by going outside pushing on the door and you will be shocked at how effortless it is to defeat. The rubber ears on the doorknob end are also flexible and bend out of the way (to the side and down) when you push on the door allowing the door to be quite very easily opened. The entire best rubber assembly also flexed slightly to the side on the metal pole as it was defeated. It is secured to the end of the metal pole about as properly one particular of those rubber erasers that slip on to the end of your pencil. What is worse is that given that the thickest parts of the pole, the top rated ears and the bottom foot, are produced of soft rubber they had been silent and created no racket as I pushed on the door. In addition due to the fact no metal parts hit the floor when it fell to the ground it landed rather quietly. The rubber ears are what impacted the floor as it fell to the floor after becoming defeated, the rubber foot was already on the ground as it fell. I got in the door silently in much less than 5 seconds. The tap from a lock bump would be the loudest factor you would hear. Get a puppy from the pound and a 12 gauge instead and sleep well, it really is nicely worth the $400 total initial investment + dog food. I do weigh 240, but I didn't have to push difficult at all to get in. A false sense of security thinking that you would hear some significant racket as this issue got defeated is worse than not having it at all. What I was employing just before I tried this, and what I will go back to applying, was a chair with the legs sitting inside some rubber soled tennis shoes to maintain the chair legs from slipping on the floor. Yes I could break the chair with a lot even more effort than it took to defeat the MACE Major Jammer, but at least it would make some critical racket as it splintered, and with the door/chair contact being challenging material it would also make some noise as I moved the door back and forth attempting to get in.

saves the day. It makes my family sleep a lot easier and extra secure at night. We're in a two unit apartment building and there is an entry door and hall ahead of our units. The last person in at night places the brace below the knob, so we all know we've eliminated the threat of somebody coming in even though the front door.
If somebody were to attempt to force the door, (I do not assume theres a opportunity of them finding through the jammer) the worst point that would happen is that the knob would tighten, making it complicated to turn. We solved this issue following a trial run and identified that if you unscrew the knob and reassemble it in the door, it functions fine. We feel it's due to the tension of the knob against the door. I nonetheless cannot see any part of the door failing either.
Fine Luck
Mace 80115 MACE Big Jammer Door Brace

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